
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Independence Day Tie-Dye


Are you preparing yourself for the 4th of July?!  We love all the celebrations every year {especially since you can light all the fireworks you want here in Alabama}!  I still don't know what I'm going to do for patriotic outfits for the kids.  I figured you might be in the same situation so I wanted to remind you of my super easy Stars and Stripes Forever Tie-Dye.  {Click the link for the full tutorial.}

I've gone all out in the past with red white and blue refashions like this Rocket Pop Dress.

Or the New Glory His and Hers Outfits.

But this year the holiday just snuck up on me.  I'll have to dig through old clothes to see if anything inspires me.  Do you have any ideas for me?  I'd love to hear them.  Feel free to leave links in the comment section if you like.

Have a safe and fun holiday!  Go America!