
Monday, March 12, 2012

Look Who We Met Today!!!

If you have a TV or have read a newspaper or just breathed American oxygen in the last year or so you probably know who this lady is standing along side the Cutts family.  That's right, just about two hours ago we met

Ann Romney!

What a fantastic lady!  It really was a pleasure.  In case you are wondering the man in the photo is not my husband John but is our cousin who is also named John.  John (our cousin) is on the National Campaign and it was so fun to see him and visit with him as he coordinated this event.  It was really neat to talk with him about what it's like to be on a campaign and working with the Romney's so closely.  They really are great people.

We met Mrs. Romney at a meet and greet in Birmingham.  The enthusiasm in the room was fun.  Mrs. Romney spoke for a little while about who her husband is.  She described him as someone who believes in being the best in the job you have and that he has consistently done that with every job he's had since she's known him.

The thing that related to me the most was when she told a story about how her boys used to be so naughty {Been there!}.  And she would be stressed out a lot {I hear that!}.  She said that Mitt said to her something along the lines of, "My job is important but yours is most important." {Awwww! and a great big Amen!}  As the only person in the room brave enough to bring a 4 year old AND a baby {Why am I insane?} who were very naughty all morning up until the event {Thank you Cheerios for your silencing effect on children} you can see where this warmed my heart a little.  So I promise to be the best in the job I have, raising these two little monsters.

She said more things that were great and campaign related and then we got to meet her, shake her hand, take pictures etc.  Really a great lady.


Maggie and our sweet friend Sam who volunteered at the event.  This wasn't the cheering type of event but afterward we did teach Maggie to hold the sign and chant "Romney, Romney" it was pretty cute with her teeny little voice.

We are sad we didn't get to go to the big Romney event last Friday but have you seen this cute picture all over the media in the last couple of days?  I've been seeing it everywhere.

Yeah.  That's totally our friends new baby!  I just had to share.  :) 

It sure has been a fun couple of days here in Alabama!

{If you're for Romney in the next election you can buy campaign buttons, bumper stickers and t-shirts online at Amazon.}

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Whoops! I accidentally posted The Cuffed Dolman Tee tutorial before I added any words or explanation.  So if you saw it in Google reader and said. "Huh!?!  I want to know more." 

is the actual completed post.

Sorry 'bout that!

The Cuffed Dolman Tee

I've been wanting to make myself a Dolman Tee for a while now and when I saw THIS TUTORIAL from Make it and Love It I had no more excuses.  I have a million other projects to finish before I make myself a new shirt but since I spent 24 hours being puked on repeatedly by sick kids a new shirt was exactly what I needed to feel happy and clean and like a human being again.

So I jumped right into the tutorial and made the exact shirt that was on Make It and Love It except here's the thing - it turned out horrible!  It looked like a church choir robe.  But it's not the tutorials fault {the tutorial is fantastic}.  I blame myself mostly.  For one, I used a thicker knit fabric and it was a solid color.  Two, I've got some meat on me.  It just didn't have the same look as the cute example tee.  I think with a bigger girl the large flowy sleeves just add more bulk and it just wasn't making me love the shirt or myself.

But no worries, it was an easy fix!  The secret?  A simple cuff and a small tweak at the neck.  Here's a short run down on how to make one yourself.

Step 1:  Use this tutorial at Make It and Love It to make the body of your tee as well as the bottom band.

Step 2:  Using her same instructions for the waist band, make two cuffs for the arms.  Gather the sleeve and attach cuff.

Step 3:  Cut a much lower neckline than the tutorial instructions tell you to do.  (If you have a bigger chest a really high neckline will only make it seem bigger).  She has both front and back of the neckline the same.  I tried on the shirt and decided how low I wanted the neckline to be.  I then took a pencil and marked where I wanted it.  I then took off the shirt and trimmed the front collar using my marks as guides.

Step 4:  Instead of attaching a collar to the neckline like in the tutorial I simply folded the fabric over and used a double needle to stitch it in place.

Just two little tweaks and the shirt was now perfect for me.  It felt great to wear it and it was everything I am looking for in a shirt - cute, comfy and modest.

Thanks Ashley at Make It and Love It for the inspiration!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shaun the Sheep Cupcakes {tutorial}

Happy Baaaah-lated Leap Day!!

Leap Day is kind of a big deal around here.  HUGE in fact because this year Maggie got to celebrate her 1st birthday!  That's right, she's a Leap Day baby!

In February 2008 we were expecting her.  Her due date was at the beginning of the month but part way through my pregnancy they pushed her due date back two weeks.  Then something happened that I wasn't expecting she was 12 days late.  Not that's not a typo - TWELVE.  I felt like I was pregnant for 11 months. After about a week over due, the doctor wanted to schedule an induction.  I asked if we could do the 29th because heck I've waited this long might as well get the girl a cool birthday while I'm at it.  Well, I checked into the hospital the night before and they were going to induce me at 6 AM.  Turns out I didn't need an induction afterall because I went into labor that night.  It was meant to be!  A unique birthday for a very unique little girl.  She was the only one born in our hospital (which is a big one) that day.  So special!  

Since I get asked this a lot I'll tell you that we celebrate her birthday on non-leap years on February 28th.  Though I tend to get carried away and celebrate all week.  Also, we have so far not had any problems with her birthday being on Leap Day.  On non-leap years she still gets birthday rewards from stores and I've never had paper work or official document problems with it either.  It's just a super fun day to have a birthday!

Okay - now back to the cupcakes.

It's Shaun the Sheep!!!  

For those who don't know Shaun the Sheep is a clay-mation TV show by the same people that do Wallace & Grommit.  You can watch it on Netflix or buy it on Amazon.  It's actually a very funny cute show. 

Shaun the Sheep is Maggie's favorite everything.  This is her getting ready for bed wearing the Shaun hat her Nonie made for her (more on that one later) and holding the little Shaun from her G&G Cutts.  All while watching Shaun the Sheep on the DS.  At night she asks me to sing her the theme song before she goes to sleep.  Spoiled.

This year the only thing she asked for for her birthday was Shaun the Sheep cupcakes.  When your child who has problems with communicating with speech, never asks for anything, and has a birthday only every four years asks for Shaun the Sheep cupcakes you better get that girl Shaun the Sheep cupcakes!

Here's what I came up with.

Want to make your own?  They are a lot easier than they look.  I promise.


White frosting
Mini-chocolate chips
Wax or parchment paper
Piece of paper
Cookie Sheet
Sandwich bags or piping bags

 Step 1: 

Draw the shape of the Shaun head on a piece of paper.  I practiced a couple of times before I settled on one.

Step 2:

Melt about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of chocolate chips in a sandwich bag.  Place chips in bag and place in microwave for 20 seconds.  Take out and lightly squish the chips to mash/mix them.  Continue this process of heating for 20 second intervals until chocolate is melted.  Slice off a tiny corner of the baggie when done.

Step 3:

Place wax or parchment paper on top of drawing.  Pipe chocolate onto wax paper to fill in the shape.  Don't worry if it's lumpy.  The lumpy part is the back of Shaun's head.  You won't be seeing it.

Step 4:

Repeat as many times as you want and place Shaun heads on a baking sheet and place in the fridge or freezer to harden.

Step 5:

Once hardened, peel off the heads and flip them over.  Use the icing to create two dots for eyes.  Inside each white dot place an upside down mini chip for the dark center of the eye.  And you're done with your Shaun head!

Step 6:  

Frost your cupcake.

Step 7:

Cover cupcake in mini-marshmallows.

Step 8:

Use a dollop of frosting to attach the Shaun head to the cupcake body.

These sheep are so cute and so yummy.  The girls loved them but most importantly Maggie loved them.  The joy on her face was priceless.  So happy to make a little girls birthday wish come true!

{P.S.  You can find Season 1 and Season 2 of the show at Amazon.  Along with several short movies that we've never even knew existed.  Also, here is the Shaun the Sheep plushie that she got.}