
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Face it pretty girl, you're CRAFTASTIC!

Hey all!  You sure lookin' crafty today.  I have a treat for you.   I have found the world's greatest music video about crafts, in the world! {You need to watch the video}

Some of you may think I've lost my mind, particularly my mother who I know will be calling me to say, "I don't get it."  But I'm telling you, this little gem sweater of a video will make your day.  In fact, I predict you'll be humming this tune and dancing in your tightest pants the next time you craft.


And just like the lyrics of the song say, I always want you to remember that -

If you're ever feeling like your in a crafting slump, just work through the paaain and know that you can do anything because you're 


If you don't know Leslie Hall the comedian behind this video be sure to check out her other videos.  Tight Pants Body Rolls will have you high kicking and saying "Dance with me Woman!" in no time.

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