This is Nonie.
Nonie is our Italian name for Grandma. Her real name is Marsha, but I call her mom.
Nonie Knits.
My mom is a genius with yarn. There is not a "relaxed" moment of the day that goes by when this woman isn't knitting or crocheting something.
Not only is Nonie talented but she is generous too. Everything she makes she gives away. She just has such a big heart and loves so much. Although she's very good at telling you she loves you I think her yarn creations are her way of showing you she loves you. They take so much time and energy that really, it's gotta' be love.
I have dozens of Nonie creations. All of which deserve attention but I wanted to show you what she made us most recently. A beautiful scarf for me and a darling sweater for Mags.
The colors are dynamic and so is my mom. She is a shrimp. I think I was taller than her in the 6th grade but she doesn't need height to command attention. Her beautiful smile, fun {and sometimes innapropriate} sense of humor, and charm draw people to her. She doesn't know any strangers. She becomes instant friends with everyone and makes you feel like family.
Just look at the details. It speaks volumes about her personality. If she commits to doing something she does it all the way. She dots every i and crosses every t. She works hard as an attendance administrator at a high school {you know how often those naughty kids play hookie!}and if work gets backed up she takes it home to finish. Off the clock. I threaten to tell her boss on her but she just brushes me off and says that it has to get done and she needs to take the time to do it right. She has an amazing work ethic and lots of integrity.

The scarf is so soft and delicate. Although mom thinks that the greatest show on the planet is Sons of Anarchy, she has a softer, non-Harley side too. She just cares so much about people. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She knows all the right things to say and is the worlds best cuddler. My favorite moments were driving in the car. She would quietly reach back and hold my hand. It made me feel so special. She still does it when I come home to visit.
In addition to being the best mom in the world she's also the best Nonie. She takes the time to hand craft gorgeous sweaters, hats and blankets for the kids. She makes each one so personal. They love the things Nonie makes. Like this stunning little sweater.
It's all in the details. She's very thoughtful. Each month or so we get a little package in the mail filled with little goodies. Each thing has been thought out and is so personal. Even the simplest of things like things for John in his school colors or my favorite Mexican candy. Everything has a generous thought behind it.
No, I didn't photoshop these pictures so that the sweater would match her eyes. A Nonie just knows.
As some in the South might say, "My momma done raised me right." As a kid I frequently had lessons on how to behave in public, how to make and keep friends, ask for help at the store, say my pleases and thank you's, etc. I remember picking up the old rotary phone and having to practice how to ask to talk to a friend or leave a voice mail. Her lessons have benefitted me in so many ways.
And much like the "no nonsense" face you see here, Nonie is a no nonsense kind of lady. She's always honest and tells it like it is. She taught me to be a strong independant woman. She taught me to think for myself, to be the best that I can be and to have the confidence in myself to do anything. She stands up for herself and is confident in who she is. Don't mess with Texas? No, more like, don't mess with momma! :)
She makes us smile. We call and Skype her several times a day. We never really give her a break but it's just because we need her so much.
If you were to ask me where my creativeness and love for making things comes from, I'll say every time, my mom. She would always sit down with me and teach me how to sew, or paint or knit. She took the time to be my 4H craft leader and to my knowledge was the only woman on the Enrichment Committe {crafts & home improvement} at Church that isn't actually a member of our Church. She's just so talented they had to snatch her right up! Everyone learns so much from her and is so inspired by her abilities and talent.
We just wish we could give Nonie kisses every day.
Nonie is so great, even this little guy, who didn't get a sweater this time, had to pop in to say how much her loves her.
And oh yeah, did I mention that Nonie is also one of the silliest women we know!
Happy Mother's Day to the woman who blessed me with life, creativity, love, and taught me everything I know. I hope to grow up to be just like you. I love you mommy!
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
You work hard.
You are wonderful.
You are loved.
P.S. If you want to see some of my moms other projects {there's a lot} check out my post